Sephorah Mangin

I am an Associate Professor of Economics at the Australian National University.

My research interests include macroeconomic theory, particularly search theory and its applications to labour markets, growth, monetary economics, and IO.

I am an Associate Editor at the European Economic Review.


I gained my PhD in Economics from the University of Melbourne in 2012.

While completing my PhD, I was a Visiting Scholar at New York University Stern School of Business. After finishing my PhD, I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Becker Friedman Institute at the University of Chicago before joining Monash University as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor).

I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of Melbourne, where I gained a B.A. with First Class Honours in Philosophy and a B.Sc. in Pure Mathematics. I wrote my Honours thesis on Godel's incompleteness theorems.

About me

I was born in Wellington, New Zealand, but grew up in Melbourne, Australia.

My daughter Julia was born in 2007, three days after my first-year PhD exams.

In my spare time, I enjoy oil painting, poetry, and meditation.